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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1998-01-01  |  97KB  |  999x1024  |  16-bit (50,034 colors)
Labels: electronics | compact disk | text | data storage device | cd | dvd | circle | blank media | jewel case | compact disc
OCR: WORLD BOOK Macintosh Edition IBM. a registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corpen . 2 2nd World Book love and is thesender. All rights reserved. @ 1998 IBM Corp. and its licensors. All rights reserout ADP DISC 1 vade Version 1.0 PN# W0492 Printed in USA sure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. orld B .U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - uso. dup wved World Book and the globe device are trademarks of World Book, Inc